If someone put a 10-pound weight on top of your head and told you it was going to be there for the rest of your life, my guess is that you would stand appropriately to combat the added strain.


In reality, that same concept is happening to each and every one of us, but the ‘weight’ is coming from the bottom rather than the top. Humans spend approximately two-thirds of their day upright fighting against gravity, and if you aren’t standing straight, this can lead to an unnaturally quick breakdown of structures.
Gravity, as potentially detrimental as it can be, does something for us that we don’t realize by providing constant input to our cells. The constant stimulation of gravity makes our cells more ‘alert’; scientifically, this ‘alertness’ has to do with being able to more readily produce an action potential and provide the appropriate output. Gravity is constantly feeding us with crucial input, which is why the gravitational loss humans experience when they travel to space is continually being studied.

When we respond to gravity in a crooked fashion, our cells perceive gravity differently than if we stand up straight. By standing up straight, we maximize the ability of our cells to respond appropriately. Recalibrating how we combat gravity can be done by aligning the structures in the upper neck, which ultimately affects the entire body: this is the focus of the NUCCA procedure.

Written by Dr. Ty Wilson

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