It is no secret that the game of golf is unbelievably difficult to master, if such a thing is even possible. There are so many pieces that factor into a solid game of golf: a sound mental state, the right weather/course conditions, favourable pin placement, and a body that enables us to have a chance. Through trial and error, I’ve found that a sustainable, functional presence on the golf course requires a symmetrical frame and an in-tune mind.

Golf Ball Field

A symmetrical human frame is of utmost importance in the game of golf. Imagine a world in which body symmetry, proper equilibrium, and ample spinal range of motion was instilled in all golfers. Sadly, body asymmetry, disequilibrium, and limited spinal range of motion affect a large portion of the golf community. If these problems aren’t addressed appropriately, an inherent limit is set on the potential for improvement as well as increases the likelihood for injury to present itself.

As someone with a passion for the game of golf, I can attest to the impact a symmetrical frame has on your swing. Many people we see at The Vital PostureTM Clinic put more weight, or pressure, onto one leg prior to treatment—this weight imbalance translates directly to the golf course. If your address position (the neutral position prior to initiating the backswing) isn’t balanced, then you start off in a faulty stance and compromise the chance of a symmetrical, consistent swing pattern. An aligned upper cervical spine facilitates symmetry throughout the frame, and most importantly, it opens to door for improvement.

Written by Dr. Ty Wilson

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