An injury to the neck while playing sports can turn into an extremely complex and frustrating experience. Because this happened to me personally, I can really empathize with people that are dealing with this situation.
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What happened?

While playing high school football, I got a blindside hit to the head and my neck began to seize up. Twenty minutes later I needed to be driven home after my neck turned to concrete and started spasming. Over the course of the following year, I was uncertain how or if the remainder of my life would be controlled by the issues in my neck. At its worst, I found myself in an emergency room confined to a wheelchair as I clenched a piece of cloth in my teeth. My quality of life was affected drastically - I couldn’t go on a holiday, play a sport, or sleep in a compromised position because I knew the slightest trigger would throw me into spasm.

What did I do?

I was lucky enough to have a group of practitioners around me who helped keep these issues mostly at bay. Among these practitioners was a chiropractor who helped me enormously; after working with him through this difficult point in my life, he suggested I look into it as a career. Not long later, I made the decision to enroll at Palmer College in Davenport, Iowa.

Regain control of your health with NUCCA

Experiencing NUCCA while in chiropractic school was a game changer for me, and for the last 4 years I haven’t experienced a single neck spasm. I make a point of not taking that for granted by doing what I can to facilitate the highest expression of health in our patients. I truly know how debilitating neck pain can be and how much it can affect your life.

If you or someone you know is suffering from the residual effects of a neck injury, I hope you further your research on how NUCCA treats neck injuries. Feel free to also send your questions my way. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

The road to recovery from a neck injury can be tough, but it is my goal to help those who are suffering make educated decisions about their health and to relieve their pain.

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Dr. Ty Wilson
NUCCA Chiropractic 
The Vital Posture™ Clinic
Calgary, Canada

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